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TKO is an independent company set up as a specialist investment company focused on making investments in global clean energy technology companies. Its vision is to identify the best-of-breed ideas and teams in the clean energy industry, and to help those companies complete their final stage of technology development or initial commercial launch and grow to become successful clean energy technology providers.
Our objective is to leverage our investments knowledge so as to realize venture level returns for us, our investors, and for the other shareholders and managers of each portfolio company.
While we believe that management and execution is key to a successful company, we are primary interested in promising technologies, products and markets. As part of our investment, we often provide hands-on management expertise to help take an idea and/or technology to a commercially viable stage.
While we are primary looking for great business opportunities, we believe in prudent investing, avoiding investments where the level of risk is deemed inappropriate by TKO standards.
WTV is one of a handful of focused global clean energy teams with knowledge of investing in this broad sector, the operational experience to make deals successful, and the ability to “match” technologies with well-established companies whose corporate strategies we are familiar with.
Indeed, some clean energy technologies are reaching cost competitiveness while energy conservation and energy efficiency are receiving greater attention, making these themes a multi-driver trend
The Team
Exceptionally Experienced Team
The foundation of WTV is based on our conviction that to be a successful sector focused investor requires not only business and deal transaction experience but also significant technical knowledge about the sectors in which we invest. With this principle in mind we have assembled a truly unique investment team and partners which combines seasoned executives and venture capital managers with highly competent clean technology specialists.
Our technology specialist and partners are exceptionally positioned to search for and assess the most attractive technologies and markets on a global basis, positioning WTV as a natural technology and syndicate leader. WTV operates with the best VC practices drawing on international business experience, higher education and broad networks particularly throughout Europe, Canada, the United States and Asia.
Careers – Join Us
We are committed to helping build world-class clean energy technology companies. We ourselves are passionate about technology innovation but we also understand the need for business discipline to navigate the inevitable challenges facing a rapidly growing new business. With this principle in mind we have assembled a truly unique team which combines seasoned executives and capital managers with highly competent clean technology specialists.
Selection Process
- We apply preferences that act as the first set of filter (e.g. we prefer certain sub-sectors and only markets of a significant size).
- The second and equally important set of filter is the team and whether its vision for the company is the right one.
- The third set of filter is the stage of development / commercial launch of the technology and the finite amount of investment needed to achieve the final results.
Our background expertise is in investment analysis, management and development – we know how to make disciplined investment decisions.
Focus and Investment Criteria
We have a clear focus: the benefit of being 100% dedicated to global clean energy means we have a more in-depth understanding of the various technologies and sub-sectors and a network of experts to use, thus making the selection process more efficient.
Our focus is on providing capital for final stage development and commercial launch to clean energy technology companies that fit within our investment criteria.
We look for companies that are close to reaching technology commercial readiness or launch that upon implementation will immediately deliver strong, significant and recurring cash revenues.
We seek companies with a large addressable market, a cohesive management team, and engaged in technological applications that we believe have long-term commercialization. It will only select companies it believes has a sustainable competitive edge.
Active management of our investments
Active management of all of our investee companies is carried out with Board representation on every one of our investee companies. We are in the company building business, not in the “deal” or “capital” business. We leverage our relationships to help build teams, attract partners and help companies realise their vision. We are therefore active partners who do everything we can for our companies.
What we mean by “Clean Energy”
We understand that there are many different definitions of “clean energy”.
Included under our definition of “clean energy” are:
- renewable energy technologies and applications (e.g. wind, solar, hydro, wave, tidal, fuel cells, geothermal);
- energy efficiency and storage technologies;
- renewable and sustainable materials; and
- pollution control, waste management and recovery.